V-points consumption and calculation

V-point is the basic consumption unit of Vocol.ai. For each new Individual account, you will receive 200 V-points for the free trial and 3,000 minutes of media file storage. You can use V-points to consume services on Vocol.ai.
  • 1 V-point can be used to generate a text transcript for 1 minute, and 0.5 V-point will be used when the duration is less than 30 seconds.  1 V-point will be used when the file duration is over 30 seconds.
  • 1 V-point can be used to translate a text transcript for 10 minutes, and 0.5 V-point will be used when the duration is less than 5 minutes.  1 V-point will be used when the file duration is over 5 minutes.
  • 1 V-point can be used to perform AI power analysis of 10-minute summaries and 0.5 V-point will be used when the duration is less than 5 minutes.  1 V-point will be used when the file duration is over 5 minutes.

You can refer to the following examples of calculating V-points to help you better understand how points are consumed.

Example 1:

The user uploads a media file of 10 minutes and 25 seconds to the media library, and the settings generate text Transcripts and AI Power analysis at the same time. The V-points consumed by the user for this file upload are calculated as follows:

  • 10.5 V-points are used for the text Transcription
  • 1.5 V-points are used for AI Power analysis

The total V-points consumed are 10.5 + 1.5 = 12 V-points in this example.


Example 2:

The user uploads a media file of 27 minutes and 45 seconds to the media library, and the settings generate only text Transcripts without AI Power analysis at the same time. The V-points consumed by the user for this file upload are calculated as follows:

  • 28 V-points are used for the text Transcription
  • 0 V-point are used for AI Power analysis

The total V-points consumed are 28 + 0 = 28 V-points in this example.


When there are not enough V-points in your account, you can click [Plan & Pricing] on the left menu bar to Get more V-points in your account.